What is
Let’s Spill the Tea?
Let’s Spill the Tea is a 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to helping parents & teens breakthrough communication barriers.
Let’s Spill the Tea opens the conversation while also providing licensed mental health professionals for additional support.
Programs Include:
quarterly workshops
annual retreats
speaking engagements
and meetups
Through workshops, retreats, and support of licensed professionals, Let’s Spill the Tea, will create a community for parents, teens, and young adults to have an open & ongoing dialogue to foster healthy relationships and breakthrough communication barriers.
Let’s Spill the Tea serves parents and teen/young adult women ages 14-21. It recognizes these as prime years for young women to engage in at-risk behaviors such as: dating violence, peer pressure, and drug/alcohol abuse.
Let’s Spill the Tea helps families navigate this period of development with relevant information presented in a safe, non judgmental environment.
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